Wednesday 2 October 2024

New in the shop


 Well, after moving home and studio, it has taken a while to unpack and find everything! Here now are a few new items in my shop...

The first is 'The Attached Spool', above. An antique spool of hand spun linen which has become mysteriously attached to a long couronne chain.

 These chains are found in the Italian technique called Casalguidi stitch, a branch of stumpwork techniques, and are made using a couronne stick. The beauty of them is that the rings are properly linked together which inspired me to try attaching them to existing objects.

Next are two hand stitched ring brooches. They are both early 20thC. pieces in brass or silver coloured metal, one has couronne style embroidery and the other a little needlelace edge. 

All can be found on my shop HERE

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