Thursday, 21 January 2010

The Universe Made Me Do It

I recently discussed with Tom Lundburg the problem of how to answer people when they ask what it is that inspires you or, even trickier, where do ideas come from. We all try to give some interesting and informative reply when in fact, as Tom says, all we want to say is "the universe made me do it". So there it is , the secret is out.

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Flower border

In the spring I will launch a new selection from my 1930's inspired button range. I collect the crinoline lady embroideries from this era and love the gardens set around them . This button is a miniature flower border to go with the hollyhocks already on sale. In the meantime more flowers are growing.........

Friday, 8 January 2010

Secret Love

A little Victorian Valentine button under a dome.Tiny diamantes from an old dress sewn onto red silk velvet. Who can it be from ? Etsy knows.............


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