Tuesday 28 April 2020

Studio Tour Day One, The Desk

 Like many other creative people I am not finding a mindset that I can work in at the moment, my main thoughts at the moment are to do with getting food and the safety of loved ones. I do however find great consolation in my studio, which is ten yards from my home.With this in mind it seemed timely to share my favourite studio things. I will do this over the next seven days starting with my desk...
 The image above is what I call my inspiration plate; a large antique wooden dish loaded with antique haberdashery, trimmings, china flowers, gold ribbons, glass buttons and all things that delight me. It has always sat on my 'embroidery' desk to inspire me to do things better. Everything in it is of a very high quality from a past age when such things were still to be had.

 On my other desk is a lovely oak pigeon-hole shelf where I keep a selection of random loveliness. This sits at the back of a wide desk for my sewing machine and fabric cutting.

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